Aspyre Psychological Services provides the highest quality, evidence-based psychological services, assessment, and treatment for adolescents, adults, and their families. Our team of licensed psychologists and family therapists work together to provide personalized and effective care under one roof. Our integrated approach to personal, academic, and professional challenges ensures that our clients and their families achieve their personal, educational and professional goals.
The hyper-competitive and stressful environment of Silicon Valley puts enormous stress on both adults and young people. High school, college, and even middle school students experience a great deal of pressure to succeed academically, in sports, in extracurricular activities, and socially. They may lack the personal, and/or academic skills to achieve their goals and may compensate with unhealthy behaviors, such as avoidance and procrastination, overuse of distractions and technology, drugs, and poor relations with family and peers. Such stress can also manifest in symptoms of depression, anxiety, and other psychological disorders. Parents and families also suffer the consequences of these behaviors.
Young professionals also experience the pressure of fast-paced, high-pressured careers or are struggling because they can't seem to get their professional and/or personal lives on track.
Aspyre is a different type of service for young people and their families. Aspyre provides psychological and educational support to help our clients achieve their personal and educational goals. The professionals at Aspyre, who have years of experience working in higher education and providing psychological services to individuals and families, work as a team to assess the needs of each of our clients and then design a program to address that client’s individual issues. The Aspyre team uses evidence-based approaches to assessment and treatment and will refer clients to other qualified professionals when needed.